Lavender Love
Lavender Love
Lavender Love

Lavender Love

Lavender Love is a delicious blend of lavender flowers, rosemary, lemongrass, black tea, green tea, clove, and blue pea flowers,...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 149.00
Lavender Love

Lavender Love

Rs. 149.00

Lavender Love

Rs. 149.00

Lavender Love is a delicious blend of lavender flowers, rosemary, lemongrass, black tea, green tea, clove, and blue pea flowers, fermented to create a soothing and invigorating beverage. It offers a fragrant garden experience, with lavender and blue pea flowers' delicate floral notes mingling with lemongrass's citrusy taste and clove's warmth. Black and green teas add depth, while lavender provides calming properties and rosemary improves cognitive function. Lemongrass aids digestion, and blue pea flowers promote relaxation. Lavender Love is a refreshing drink with numerous health benefits, perfect for unwinding or refreshing your senses.

Specialty: 3X Antioxidant - 100% natural – Low Caffeine - No added preservatives/artificial flavours /colour.
Taste: Floral and soothing
Sugar: Zero added sugar
Caffeine: Low
Quality: A+ Grade
Ingredients: Lavender flowers, rosemary, lemongrass, black tea, green tea, clove, blue pea flowers, natural kombucha culture.
Allergy: NA
Net Quantity: 250ml
Easy-To-Serve: 1. Shake well, 2. Carefully open the cap 3. And pour into a glass.

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